Sunset at Midday!


He was loved by God to be born into a Christian home
He was fervent when it came to things of God
He was As prayerful as Elijah
Highly spiritual

Sunset at midday!

All went well with him as he got admission to the university
He saw what his eyes haven’t seen
Heard what his ears had not heard over time
Had freedom unspeakable!

Sunset at midday!

He was corrupted by texts and persons
He was influenced negatively to stupor
he knew the latest technique for lying and stealing
An expert in womanizing and promiscuity

Sunset At midday!

He kept lying to his parents of been a committed member in fellowship
His Lies  were as pure as diamond
His ways were wrong before the creator.

Sunset at midday!

He kept preaching to the youth despite his unpleasant ways before the Custodian Of Truth
He was warned by his parents according to the holy spirit’s instruction.
He never ceased to deny the fact that was even more committed than the president of the fellowship

Sunset at midday!

Death wasn’t far from him
Destiny terminated
Gods divine purpose for his life truncated
Shame and eternal disgrace to his family
Sunset at midday!!!

PS:Custodian of truth is God
Ref: Mount Zion Film Production!

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